The Power of Time Spent Alone

Five books lie open on my ottoman.
Good books.
Books I can hardly wait to read.
But right now, I need to quiet my mind.

Three texts from friends are waiting on my phone.
Good friends.
Friends I've longed for and prayed for.
But in this moment, I need to quiet my soul.

A manuscript half edited.
A list of work tasks as long as my leg.
Meals I need to plan for.
School supplies I need to buy.
But not right now.
Right now, I need quiet.
I need to fill my well.

To put my face to the sun, close my eyes, and smile.
To putter around my kitchen making toast for one, brewing coffee for one.
To step out onto the porch sipping slowly, munching, breathing deeply.

Quiet, just for a little bit.
Still, just for a minute or two.

Ah — there I am.
I thought I might find me here.

My busy life is such a blessing.
My biggest thank you.
My absolute best dream turned reality.
But that doesn't mean I don't need a minute to myself sometimes.
Just a moment.
Just the tiniest reprieve.

A little pause once a day.

A long walk.
An hour with my journal and pen.
A good book.
A sunset.
A new question for my soul.
And maybe a few questions from my soul, too.

A big pause once a month or sometimes more.
A retreat.
A long solo hike.
A day or two away.

Every time I take the time I come back a little more myself.
More alive.
With more love, respect, and longing for my family, our home, and our busy life together.
A little more grateful.
A little more content.
A little more of who I want to be.

And so much more present for all kinds of family togetherness.
The family dinners and bedtime snuggles, the late-night chats—even the school supply runs, too.

These words, this feeling, this learning about the power of spending time alone has been inspired by a few things recently ⤵

➳ Savoring slow, silent summer mornings alone while my teenagers are away at camp
➳ Watching Season 8 of the History Channel’s “Alone” with my family (thanks for the rec, Amber!)
➳ Planning a weekend away climbing Mount Katahdin with my friend Sam (more on that soon!)
➳ Recognizing how much more I need a strong inner life now that I'm in my 40's
➳ A few good quotes from Simple Abundance like this one⤵

Wherever you are today, whatever you find on your ottoman, blinking across your phone screen, or mounting up on your to-do list, I hope you find a delicious sliver of time to sit still and be alone.

I'll be running headlong into the wilderness for a few days - deep in the pine trees where cell phones don't work and electricity is a myth.

I'll be back by next Friday though — chat with you then!