Books With Positive Vibes

I think it’s called spring fever — this itchiness in my bones, the mountains begging to be climbed, dreams of camping vacations distracting me, energy stalling at work, budgets tightening, momentum flagging, a new arc of sunlight streaming into my house making visible a sheen of grime on every surface, and everyone in my house so discontented and grumpy (myself included) making it difficult to settle on any given day. A quick Google search tells us most people are going through the same thing this spring and have been for centuries — restlessness, distraction, daydreaming, over-excitement, disenchantment, lethargy, sleeplessness, and other symptoms of discontent brought on by the sudden lengthening of days.

It’s completely natural. Maybe even a good thing. It means we survived the winter and summer’s coming. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t painful some days, especially when there are big nerves about life changes, kiddos who need our attention, teenagers learning how to navigate their own emotions, way too much on our calendars, and big dreams not yet realized. There’s a part of me (I call her “small Celeste”) that wants to ignore my discomfort and get lost in distraction — overworking, overeating, editing 1,000 photos, over-researching, over-reading, making Instagram reels — but there’s this other part (“big Celeste”) calling me to lean in, step up, pay attention, learn from the discomfort, and reach for positivity. So I’ve been searching for positivity in my book stacks this week.

Just in case you’ve been feeling the symptoms of spring fever in your neck of the woods too, I thought I might share a few books delivering big positivity in hopes that they might bring you comfort, contentedness, and boundless energy for everything you were put on this planet to be and to do. Here they are:

A classic that never fails to suspend my disenchantment. . .


A beautiful book chock-full of powerful quotes from positive people. . .


A bookish distraction (we all need them sometimes). . .


A short & sweet daily reader I’m using with my teenagers. . .


This weekend I’ll be looking for a mountain or two to climb, scrubbing the grime off of a few surfaces in my house, and since it’s super warm at my house all of a sudden, I’ll be curling up on my reading porch to re-read these books, soaking up all kinds of positivity from them.

Wherever you are this weekend, I hope you’ll be joining me.

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