7 Ways to Fill Your Home With Laughter


How often do our loved ones hear us laugh, chuckle, giggle, or give a big belly laugh? It's a question I never used to ask myself until one day, years ago, my mom caught me off-guard by saying, "It does my heart so good to hear you belly laugh. I haven't heard it in a while."

It was sobering as I started to realize that I'd been so focused on making sure everyone was clean, fed, dressed, happy, and safe that I'd forgotten that my life was supposed to include me having a good time too. I still felt joyful, thankful, and happy with my life, so what was the problem? 

The problem was that I had lost my laugh. 

And I promptly set about getting it back.

I bet you've been there too - traveling through one of life's seasons where laughter isn't your go-to response.

Or maybe you're there right now. 

With a couple of hard weeks stacking up together, it would be understandable if laughter didn't happen a lot right now. People we love are out of work, news headlines display a dismal outlook, and social media is out of control. I'd be lying if I said I didn't wake up and want to hide under the covers a day or two this week.

But do you know the one thing I've heard from countless families bringing them back together and grounding them in family togetherness no matter the season?

Filling our homes with laughter. 

It might not be easy for any of us right now. There's so much uncertainty, plenty to be stressed about, and so much to read, research, and wonder over, but the other day, something happened that made me realize just how important laughter is for family togetherness. It was a simple phrase from one of my kids:

"Mama, I really like hiding and finding stuff with you. It's so funny."

He was talking about the way we like to hide a gnome, an Olaf pop figure, or an old Beanie baby in random places around the house for each other to find - a simple game he started a few months ago that has brought us all so much laughter. When I wake up in the morning, I might find a funny Olaf figurine where my glasses should be, or when I go to make coffee, I might find a gnome staring back at me. It really is funny, but until he said that, I didn't realize just how much it meant to him that I was playing along and laughing too.

Isn't it wonderful how the smallest things can make such a big impact?

What kind of things make your family laugh?

What's your style? What kind of thing lightens up your home? I bet if you think hard enough you can remember something that brought giggles in the past, and you can dig it up and bring it back. 

Here are a few ideas to try:

1. Dancing to a song or two (it helps to have a bad dancer in the family).

2. Setting a reminder to laugh every day

3. Choosing laughter instead of scolding when an unexpected spill happens.

4. Cracking a joke

5. Watching a funny movie or video clip

6. Choosing laughter over offense when someone says something they don't mean, beats us at a game, or accidentally drops something on our toes.

7. Playing a silly game

Whatever you do, make sure you're laughing too. It's bound to bring deep connection when you do.

This weekend I hope your home is full of laughter and lightheartedness. I'll be quarantining hard with my crew, doing yoga on the porch, hiking around the backyard, playing games, and doing some crafts.

Oh, and one more thing...

As I thought about all of us at home so much right now trying to stop the spread of the coronavirus, many of us on mandatory lockdowns and curfews, I realized something.

Togetherness is about so much more than being in the same room with someone. It's about connection, intentionality, and presence - and that's something we all can do.

I can't believe this togetherness tip marks the 52nd one - a full year of togetherness tips, one every Friday morning from my screen to yours. I want you to know how thankful I am that you read these words, that you let them go deep into your heart, and that you consider them as you go about your week. It's a weighty thing to know that you are giving me the honor of speaking into your life and your family, and it's an honor I don't take lightly. I am so deeply thankful that you're here, that you engage with me, that we're on this path together to bring family togetherness to our homes and go after big family dreams too.

Thank you for this honor, and stick around - I've got a bulging notebook with at least 52 more!

What fills your home with laughter?

Come over to the email group and send me a message - I'd love to know!

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