Can you allow yourself to totally enjoy life as it is today?

The crumbs on the counter need wiping
Spaghetti's stuck inside the microwave
The stairs really need a vacuum
It's been forever since this house has been dusted
Can you allow yourself to totally enjoy life as it is today?

His teacher needs a word
Her big project is due on Monday
Family dinners haven't been all that healthy lately
We haven't had a real date night in ages
Can you allow yourself to totally enjoy life as it is today?

Health insurance rates are going up again
Things aren't exactly right with that one friend
The division in our town, our state, our country is worrisome
Flu germs, COVID, and RSV risks are so unpredictable right now
Can you allow yourself to totally enjoy life as it is today?

You may not have written that book you wanted to write this year
You never did sign up for that pottery class
Work is crazy busy right now—we're all so behind
Holiday gifts and family vacations aren't going to plan or pay for themselves
And it really would be nice to finally finish that basement, find our forever home, get some time on the water next year, and totally, completely solve world hunger, the inequities and injustices in our society, and really help the hurting. . .
Can you allow yourself to totally enjoy life as it is today?

With all of our imperfections
Every single inadequacy
Even with the shortfalls, mistakes, resets, regrets, and reasons to grieve
Can you allow yourself to totally enjoy life as it is today?

That one little question "Can you allow yourself to totally enjoy life as it is today?" comes from Louise Hay's The Gift of Gratitude: A Guided Journal for Counting Your Blessings. And it has been on my mind and in my heart since I first read it last week.

As we watch our hearts turn toward gratitude more and more in the coming days, I hope each one of us will find moments where we can say ⤵

I am loved
I am safe
I am warm and well-fed
I'm making steady progress on my goals, even if it's going slower than I had hoped
I'm showing up for my family, my community, myself
I can walk outside
I can create something new today
I can look him in the eye
I can ask her what's on her mind
I can be grateful for the crumbs, the spaghetti spots, and my dirty stairs
All of it
Can I allow myself to totally enjoy life as it is today?
Yes, I think I can.

It may not be possible every day —I think that's okay.
But I hope it's possible for you.