14 Phrases from Simple Abundance I Think We'll Need This Year

What is it about a beautiful book that calls to us?

I believe they call to us for a reason, the books we see as especially beautiful becoming glimpses into our true selves, roadmaps for the days ahead. So, whenever I’m intensely drawn to one, I try to pay attention.

Most often, I buy it straight away and quickly find out that it’s come into my life for a reason. One of these moments happened last week when I saw Simple Abundance: 365 Days to a Balanced and Joyful Life on a table at my local bookshop. I knew nothing about it except what the blurb on the back told me, but I quickly found it in my arms, on the counter, in my bag, and then on my desk at home. It’s been my morning companion ever since.

I love seasons, dates, remembrances, rituals, rites of passage, anniversaries. I also love personal growth, rethinking our culture, redefining life as often as we need to, and breaking free of everything that doesn’t help us become who we were meant to be. So, as I dove into the first few pages of Simple Abundance I couldn’t help but think,

How have I never read this book before?

Seriously, where have I been? I’m choosing to believe it’s because this is the exact best season of my life for reading it.

Books can change our beliefs when we let them. They can validate beliefs that have been changing for decades. And since it’s our beliefs that shape our lives, books are powerful. So, I dove in, cherishing the way it called to me at the bookstore and felt like mine immediately, quickly catching up with this woman Sarah Ban Breathnach who was a major player in our culture’s return to simplicity and gratitude back in the 90’s—an original togetherness redefined kind of lady.

Some books activate us inexplicably. This is quickly becoming one of those books for me. Here are a few reasons why—phrases I want to remember—phrases I think we’re going to need this year:

“Define a life of my own”

Learning the power of choosing to live the life we want with gratitude, simplicity, order, harmony, beauty, and joy

“Fully enter the sacrament of the present moment”

No mind wandering constantly, no constant to-do list screaming from the background

“Everyday life has become my prayer”

Salve to the soul of everyone still navigating faith through lifelong learning (especially this Christian who left church life a decade ago)

“We do not write to be understood; we write to understand”

A damper for the mom guilt we tend to feel as moms who create, write, dream, explore (also a quote from Cecil Day Lewis)

“Authentic Self”

Putting aside what we think we know and discovering a way back to ourselves

“I do not want to impose on my readers my own view of Divinity, which is always expanding, thank Heavens”

A call to grace, and my constant prayer as my fingers fly over the keyboard every Friday

“Golden moments . . . to grow, to dream, to nurture your authentic vision”

Turning off the tv and sitting down with a notebook and pen while the kids read or play—golden moments perfect for growing

A few more. . .

“A woman of substance”

Oh, that we could make a difference, save a life, inspire a soul. Sarah offers a way: “throw another log on the fire. . . This is not the time you stop believing. . . the union of authentic style and Spirit creates a woman of substance. . .” And then, “An authentic life is the most personal form of worship” Yes.

“The search for authenticity”

Assurance that it’s not something we have to muster but something we look for and find

“Divine collaboration”

Faith that we’re not creating our lives, our realities, our feelings, our works of art alone, with guidance to “fill the blank page, and then get out of the way”

“We may think we’re protecting ourselves by ignoring or denying our creative impulses, but really all we’re doing is burying our Authentic Selves alive.”

A call to courage for every one of us hiding our talent under layers of insecurities

“For God’s sake—and your own—please just say, ‘Yes’”

Something I need on the wall of my heart, along with this: “. . . playing it safe is the riskiest choice we’ll ever make.”

“Can we consider the track record of your naysayers? How many dreams have they successfully brought into the world?”

More fuel to the fire of courage overtaking timidity in our souls

“Never forget that all you have is all you need”

A challenge for those of us who know there’s more to life than what we’ve seen, felt, lived, become so far. A beckoning to contentment and sufficiency. An assurance that we already have what it takes to experience the life we want. A knowledge that yes, there is more, and that more is already ours.

And of course, a phrase of my own quickly following—one that keeps coming back to me every time I’m moved so deeply as this:

How does this apply to my life and my family?

The fact that what we do in our own lives is what we’re modeling for our families, our children, the people we love the most. If we bury our authentic selves, how will they know they shouldn’t bury theirs? How will they ever know us? How will we ever know them? How will we ever find true connection and deep relationships with anyone except through authenticity?

These are not rhetorical questions—they’re the questions of our lives. This year, I intend to let my Authentic Self out to play in all kinds of Simple Abundance type wisdom, grace, gratitude, simplicity, order, harmony, beauty, and joy.

Will you join me?

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NOTE: All quotes taken from the 2019 revised and updated version of Simple Abundance: 365 Days to a Balanced and Joyful Life by Sarah Ban Breathnach.