The Social Media Tool That Changed Everything For Me as a Mom


I’m a busy mom. I bet you can relate.

Despite my best efforts to be one of those cool, calm, collected zen kind of mamas, somehow I always end up taking on too many jobs and planning too many family adventures for any sane person and I get busy from time to time.

I’m also a creative. If you’re reading this, I bet you’re one, too.

I love to share beautiful photos, inspirational quotes, good books, and my best blog posts and podcast interviews on social media.

I love to reconnect with old friends by letting them know what I’m up to, where my family travels have taken me recently, and what’s on my heart for the future.

I love to encourage other women to go after their biggest dreams, to stand up for what they believe in, and to take care of themselves so they can be everything they want to be for themselves, their families, and this world that needs them so much. And my very favorite way to do that on a daily basis is through my profiles on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. (And occasionally, through LinkedIn, too.)

But I hate the way social media makes me feel disconnected from my family.

Sometimes I hate the way it makes me feel disconnected from my own self, too.

I catch myself turning every fun family outing into a photo op and every funny thing my kiddos say into social media captions, and it makes me want to hurl.

A few months ago, I even found my creativity for writing at an all-time low because my brain would only think in snippy social captions.


So I tried swearing off all social media.

But I missed my friends, so I tried putting it in its place with very strict limits.

None of it worked, though.

I wanted to create, share, and hang out with people who inspire me, but I needed help to keep it from taking over my life.

So, I took an online class (my favorite way to get help these days) called Social Brilliant by the ladies over at MeetEdgar and I learned about batching and scheduling social media posts.

I was intrigued.

But I don’t spend money lightly - especially on something that is “just” there to make my life easier (even if it would help me meet my business goals exponentially faster).

So I signed up for a free trial with MeetEdgar - just to see what it would feel like to do social media differently.

I was hooked on day one.

Now I tell everyone that MeetEdgar is the social media tool that changed everything for me as a mom.

Here’s why:

#1 - Time saved

I save LOADS of time with MeetEdgar because rather than thinking about posting something each day or a few times a week, I set aside one hour once a week to batch and schedule my posts and then I just pop on my favorite platforms to chat with people when it works for me.

If something inspires me, I can pop that in there and send it whenever I want, too, but having everything sending out on autopilot really frees up my schedule.

#2 - Money earned

As a small business owner and homeschooling mama, time is money for me. So, hours saved each week = new products and services for my customers + more time engaging with them = a better business = money in my pocket.

#3 - Better posts

I’ve got my creativity back, my focus intact, and my writing mojo restored. And people are noticing. (I met 20+ new mama friends and customers - aka gained 20 organic followers - within the first week of using MeetEdgar.)

#4 - I’m back!

My kids have their mama back. My husband has his wife. And, my yoga and hiking games are top-notch again. I’ve even picked up a new love for real photography in the process and promised myself I’ll take a class and learn to use a real camera this year.

MeetEdgar really is the social media tool that changed everything for me as a mom, and I know I’m not the only one who needs it.

That’s why I’m popping up this blog today.

I don’t normally talk about products, and I almost never do affiliate recommendations (which this one is - it means I get a few credits on my Edgar account if you use my link to sign up for your free trial). But this time, I couldn’t resist.

If you’re a

  • mom

  • business owner

  • writer

  • busy lady

  • working person, or

  • adventure-loving human being

and you want to spend more time living your life and less time posting about it on social media while still staying connected with people who inspire you - and who you hope to inspire -

I highly suggest trying out Edgar.

He’s one cute, cuddly guy who sure has changed things in my world, and I’m so thankful. (I mean, just look at him⤵)

To try it out and give me a little bit of love for turning you onto him, use this link and sign up for your free trial.

And if you have questions, you know where to find me - right here in our email group with that trusty Reply button!

Happy Edgaring!