What I’m reading to prepare for November 5th

I had a bad experience with a book last week. I had just finished The God of the Woods by Liz Moore (great, by the way) and was recently off the heels of the latest episode of the In the Red Clay podcast (an epic true crime story that took place near my hometown in Georgia). After all of those heavy story lines, I was hoping a lighter read might be in store.

I selected a new book the way I always do — by scrolling through my Wish List on Libro (I stash all of my TBRs there even if I don’t want to listen to the audio). I thought I had found the perfect fit, a new offering from an author I adored last summer with a dreamy summer setting. But just a few chapters in, I realized I hated it. Like really couldn’t stand it, had to return it, and was thankful to get my Libro credit back.

This is odd for me. I rarely commit to a book I don’t enjoy enough to finish, or at least get close to finishing. The experience gave me pause, and I found myself asking a question ⤵

What do I really want to read right now?

There’s a lot happening in the world these days, hey? For those of us in the States, there’s a large and looming decision we’ll all be making this November ~ who will get our vote for the leader of our country. In my heart of hearts, I wanted to read about that. So I did. I am. I wonder if you might be, too.

First, let me say this is a safe space — I’m not interested in pushing any agendas or beliefs on anyone and I would love the same courtesy if you choose to respond to this email. I only wish to open a safe, honest, grace-filled, easy conversation with you, reader, to share what I’m reading to get my heart and mind ready for November 5th (Presidential Election Day in the USA) and give you a place to do the same.

The first book I’m reading is this ⤵


The Truths We Hold: An American Journey by Kamala Harris is a memoir she published in 2020 about how she grew up, why she chose to devote her life to pursuing social justice, and what it was like working as a prosecutor and attorney general in California and a U.S. Senator.

Since Kamala Harris announced her candidacy, I’ve been wanting to get to know her better, to listen to what she’s been saying since before she was a candidate, to hear from her how to properly pronounce her name since various news outlets get it wrong (it’s “comma-la, like the punctuation mark”), and to find out what kind of person she has been and hopes to become.

It’s a good one. I like that it was written before she became Vice President. I also like that the audio version of The Truths We Hold is read by her own voice. I highly recommend it.

What else am I reading right now?

What about you. . .

Here’s where I would like to offer you a place to share what you’re reading, too.

I want to read widely. I want this list to grow. I want my mind and heart to stay open and full of hope as we get closer to election season.

I also want a diverse, well-rounded list to share with others when they ask for help. I would love for you to contribute by sending the titles of the books you’re reading my way.

I’ll be here if and when you do.