Amazon Customer

So practical!

“This book was so refreshing!

It's full of practical tips of all shapes and sizes that I can implement with my family right now with no need for elaborate preparation.

I love that I can use it as a handbook if I'm stuck and looking for a quick idea for family togetherness. Best of all, it was a reminder that even the little things we take time to do with our kids counts!”

-Amazon Customer

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Celeste Orr

Inspiring creative ideas for family togetherness

“For the parent who wants inspiring, creative, can-do family togetherness ideas!

With the pandemic, it really helped redefine family time, so come to this creative book and get inspired!

This is not a crafts idea book, its beyond that - it’s experience ideas! Love Celeste and appreciate how her words come from so many unique experiences.”

-Meg D.

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Celeste Orr

A Must Read… A book for the times

“Not only is this book an excellent read for the difficult times we are now living in, but it is loaded with practical tips for improving the way we see ourselves, and our roles, as parents.

There is more than one way to raise children so that turn out to be healthy, socially responsible, productive adults. The Author of this book, Celeste Orr, has chosen a "road less traveled" for she and her family, but her reflections, her pragmatic thoughts and excellent tips are all worthy of the short time it takes to read this book.

It is the kind of book I will refer to over and over again. Although my children are now grown and are starting to raise their own families, this is a book I will share with them for their families. It is refreshing in it's simplicity, while at the same time, thoughtfully written and very practical as a guide for daily living.

Personally, I have been hoping, post pandemic, that living life fully will look a little different than it did before the days of Covid. But, there is no need to wait to find new and wonderful ways to delight in the life you and your family live...pick up Togetherness Redefined today...and get a jump on "finding a different kind of family togetherness"!

A delightful read, highly recommended.”

-Nina Powers

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Celeste Orr

Calling All Parents

“None of us are given a roadmap when we become parents — and like anything else in life, it rarely all goes as planned. Successful parenting requires the flexibility to ebb and flow with life’s challenges, faith, trust…and a lot of heart.

Those words describe the voice of author and mamapreneur, Celeste Orr. And her willingness to share her wisdom gleaned along the way, shows us all how to redefine togetherness with our own families.

She keeps it relatable and real. It's the book I wish I had read many moons ago when I became a new mother.

This book couldn’t be better timed (or needed) — it is a kiss of inspiration to parents who want deeper connection to the people they love most and to life.

It is also a hug, like sitting with a good friend when you need it most.”

-Kristen Noel

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Celeste Orr

“If you're like us, you fall into the rut of life - day in and day out, the same thing and forgetting to build the relationships you have.

Celeste's book gave me the courage to think outside of the box to build togetherness with my family, to have those tough conversations that bring us closer together, and to build strong relationships by exploring life together.

My husband and I started our date nights again which are filled with long walks and non-stop conversation.

Celeste's tips on strengthening our bond have had a positive effect on my family!

If you need a boost in togetherness and connection, especially when we are spending more time than ever with our families these days, do yourself a favor and pick up Togetherness Redefined.”


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Celeste Orr

“A friend gave me her book because she thought I would really like it even though I am not the target audience. She’s right!

Celeste has many reasonable suggestions for getting closer to your loved ones. In my case not small children but maybe grandchildren.

I particularly liked the chapter on “Showing Up” because I’ve adopted this way of thinking over many years. Celeste seems to have a very interesting life based on her stories and suggestions and she thinks you can too!

An easy read and maybe life-changing for some.”


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Celeste Orr

"Togetherness Redefined is a tool every parent craving more quality time and engaging adventures with their family needs.

I am so inspired by Celeste's testimony of worthwhile risks taken in the name of more time with her loved ones. Her intentionality in parenting and marriage is beautiful and she offers such practical tips on savoring every moment with family that you can.

Her pages leave me highly encouraged in reminding me that there is so much more to life than the typical daily grind.

You will be truly blessed by Celeste's determination to achieve family togetherness, full of learning, and excited to find all the ways that it is absolutely attainable in the stories she shares."

- Jacki

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Anna McNaught

"If you've ever woken up in the middle of the night, panicking that your kids are almost grown and you've yet to spend real quality time with them, this book is for you.

Celeste gives you easy strategies to build family togetherness and shows you that even the smallest moments spent add up to a tremendous bond.

You don't have to let a busy life prevent you from being the mom you dream of being, and you no longer have to be weighed down by mom-guilt that you don't spend enough time with your kids.

Her strategies are easy and creative, and they will not only help you get the quality time you crave, they'll be a massive relief to moms everywhere who feel like time's running out. I highly recommend this book!"

- Camille

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Anna McNaught

"I found myself wanting to shout a resounding "Yes!" while reading.

Celeste's vulnerability and honesty in her stories alongside her tips not only make this book practical and relatable but also validate so many feelings I have as a parent."

- Melissa

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Celeste Orr