Books For Your Earbuds

You and I, we’ve become pretty good at talking about books these days. And since things are starting to warm up and thaw out weather-wise for us northern hemisphere folks, I thought you might like a little inspiration for taking your books with you in the garden, out for long walks in the woods, on the trail, or even on a bike ride if that’s how you roll. (I do all of the above.) The best way to do that? Audiobooks.

About six months ago, I shared the 26 audiobooks I’d read and enjoyed over the past year. A lot of them were fiction. Most of them didn’t make the cut for writing about in depth on the blog. I’ve listened to a lot more since then, most of them repeats. (There’s nothing like reading a good book for a second or third time, hey?)

About a year before that was when I first admitted to you that I’m a HUGE audiobook fan (it’s the only way I can find time in this season to read all the books I want to read), sharing the story of how I first came to love audiobooks and why I don’t think I’ll ever be able to live without them and hope I never have to. And recently on Instagram, I’ve been sharing some big audiobook love from ~ the folks who give me all the good feels about turning my audiobook purchases every month into dollars spent at independent bookstores instead of dollars put into a certain billionaire’s pocket.

So today, I’m sharing the books in my earbuds right now. . .

Nonfiction ⤵


On Our Best Behavior: The Seven Deadly Sins and the Price Women Pay to Be Good by Elise Loehnen

It’s a book about the Seven Deadly Sins—pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth—and how our fear of them has caused us to over-correct in lots of ways, robbing us of so many good things.

For me, it’s a growing-up book about lifting the veil of my own internalized religious, cultural, and self conditioning and getting honest with myself about a boatload of patriarchal ideas I’ve been calling absolute truths since I was a child. It’s calling me out and asking me to consider what the world might be like for women if we could allow ourselves to truly deeply enjoy rest, food, accolades, money, emotions, and sex, and pay attention to our anger and envy when they bubble up. It’s a good one.

Fiction ⤵


Funny Story by Emily Henry (NEW! Pub day 4/23!)

Okay, so this one isn’t actually in my earbuds yet. But I used this month’s membership credit to pre-order it, and I’m not allowing myself to start anything in the fiction realm until this one hits my Libro library on Tuesday morning.

What about you?

I’d love to know what you’re listening to these days. If you’re up for chatting about it, just hit that Reply button. I’m here.



P.S. Details are live for my next retreat at It’s happening on October 25-28! Hope to see you over there.