A trick for when you feel powerless

This is a photo of me with my two babies in 2008.

We were coming home to the States from Australia where we'd been living for the past 18 months, jetlagged and sleep-deprived, trying to make the most of our 30-hour layover in Hawaii.


I've never been that tired or nervous in all my life — trying to navigate airports on almost no sleep while keeping track of a wild toddler and his baby brother, the hubs juggling our giant suitcases, leading us to the next right place, and stretching our last $200 to buy food and diapers.

I remember so vividly nodding off and waking up to reach for my babies, trying to make sure all was right in the world — a mother's instinct. And I'll never forget what a relief I felt when we were back home with our extended family and I could sleep soundly knowing we were in a safe place and I had lots of help keeping my babies safe.

This photo was the first thing that came to mind when I read a friend’s beautiful Instagram post paying honor to the families who lost their babies in this week’s horrific school shooting in Texas.

Now, every time I walk by this photo where it sits in my house, I think about those parents who will mourn their lost children for the rest of their days. Tears sting my eyes and my heart breaks all over again. It's a loss that makes so many of us feel powerless. And if I'm honest, it makes me feel a little hopeless and afraid as this senseless violence keeps happening in my country.

I don't have the answers.

I wish I did.

All I know is this — When we feel hopeless, we hope anyway. When we can't find the strength, we ask for help. When we feel powerless, we reach for a Higher Power.

We wake up a little more.
We hug our own kids a little tighter.
We send them out into the world and trust that they'll be safe.
And we look for ways to bring change so they will be.

What we don't do is forget — we do whatever we can to remember.

I'm using happy memory photos to help me remember to pray for those families — praying they find some peace and light in their own happy memories.

It's such a small thing.

But it keeps me from falling into despair.

I'm sharing this as today's togetherness tip in hopes that it will keep you from despair and help you remember, too.

Here's one more.

This is a photo of me when I was little — my favorite photo of myself ever, I think. Just little ol' me circa 1987 soaking up a hot Georgia summer day in my wheelbarrow swimming pool with a few of my favorite Country Crock tubs and empty peach cans.


It's another photo that's bringing me a smile this week — a little ray of sunshine peeking into my soul from a great memory I made way back when.

I hope it makes you smile today.
I hope it helps you hug your own people a little tighter.
I hope it brings you hope in the face of all this despair.

& I can’t help but wonder, would it help you to share your thoughts (or perhaps a few old photos) this week, too?

If it would, let this be your permission slip to dig out an old photo that reminds you of a GREAT memory you've made and text it to a sister, a friend, or someone else you love.

And of course, come join the email group and share them with me, too.

I’m here.


& If you're feeling especially heavy-hearted and weary this week and would love some salve, a few action steps to help you step out of the hole, and some encouragement, here are a few togetherness tips that might help just a little bit ⤵

Journaling prompts for when things get sticky
Inspiration from Liz Gilbert's Big Magic
Some thoughts on overcoming
How to stop bottling up your feelings
Some thoughts on reassessing and resetting your life
How to admit you’re still learning

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