Coming to you from Amsterdam

This morning, I’m coming to you from Amsterdam where I’ve just spent the last week on a little adventure with my sister. We’ve seen so many museums, works of art, windmills, canals, and bikes—SO many bikes—and had the absolute best time. (Oh, and I presented at a conference too, which was one of the absolute best professional experiences of my life.)

In short, this week has been epic.

And I’m afraid I must be short this week, because I’m writing these words at the airport, about to board our flight home and finding it hard to express in words just how much this trip has meant to me. Hopefully you’ll agree it’s okay to say what we need to say in moments like these with photos, videos, and book recommendations.

My favorite photos from this week ⤵

Heaps more photos are in this week’s reels if you’re interested ⤵

Want to know my downfall this week?

Getting lost in Waterstones and completely swept off my feet by so many gorgeous European book covers, buying too many books, and now having to lug them back home in my carryon. #worthit ⤵

For today, I’d love to leave you with the thought that’s sweeping through my soul this morning ~ the truth that travel changes a person. It’s something I become more aware of every time I leave my routine, overcome my anxiety, take the leap, book the ticket, and board a plane. It’s something I hope I never grow numb to or weary of ~ something I hope I never forget.

In more ways than we can see, with ripple effects that last a lifetime,

Travel truly changes us ~ how lucky are we who are able to travel.

I promise you I don’t take it for granted.

Until next time, my friend.



P.S. Which book is in my earbuds now? ~ The Sisters of Auschwitz.

Celeste Orr