10 Quotes from The Miracle Morning that gave me back my mojo

I got so angry the other night, so blood-boilingly angry, that I had to stop what I was doing and send myself to the shower to cool off. It only helped a little. I ended up having nightmares all night long and noticed myself still fuming the next day, a firm grip on my sour outlook and overall grumpiness. Sadly, it was over a minor thing — something that doesn't even matter all that much.

That’s not me.

I don’t usually get that angry over small things. And when I do, I can usually find my way back to a better perspective or at least a positive outlook pretty quickly. But then it happened a few more times—me, blood boiling and queen of grumpiness— and I had to admit I was in a negative pattern — a rut.

When I stopped to look at other areas of my thoughts and emotions that had been off lately, I knew something wasn’t right. I was off track. And when I looked at what had changed about my habits in the past couple of months, I knew what needed to be set right. With a sudden Deja Vu feeling, I realized I tend to go through this very same thing at this very same time every year. And I knew what could help. I also knew it would help quickly.

How did I know?

Because it helped me out of a deep rut a couple of years ago, too, and I still had a copy sitting in my "best books" stack on my desk. It's Hal Elrod's little book The Miracle Morning ⤵


Yes, it's about those hours before 8am, which probably isn't a topic any of us decides to read about very often. And yes, there are parts that read a little overly optimistic and over-promising.

But somehow, it has its own magic.

Somehow, on the first morning I woke up early to read this book and get back into his 6 recommended morning habits, I had a zing of clarity that pushed me out of a creative block I’ve been in for months and sent me writing in my journal for over an hour without even realizing it. 

Then, on the second day, I caught myself smiling while making coffee and randomly dancing when no one was around. And on day three, I heard myself say "Mama's got her mojo back, y'all!" to no one in particular.

So, just in case these short December days have you leaning toward short fuses or long bouts of grumpiness, I thought I would share 10 quotes from The Miracle Morning that might encourage you to find a copy of this little book at your local bookshop and bring it home for yourself.

I'm convinced these are the 10 quotes from The Miracle Morning that gave me back my mojo ⤵


"You are just as worthy, deserving, and capable of creating and sustaining extraordinary health, wealth, happiness, love, and success in your life, as any other person on earth. It is absolutely crucial. . . that you start living in alignment with that truth."


"Like everything else in life, if they could do it, then so could I. So I did."


 ”Most of us are so busy trying to manage, maintain, or even just survive our life ‘situation’ that we don’t make the time to focus on what’s most important — our life. What’s the difference? . . . Your life is who you are at the deepest level.”


"By simply changing the way you wake up in the morning, you can transform any area of your life, faster than you ever thought possible."


 "So, the bad news is that if we don't actively change our programming, our potential will be crushed and our lives limited by the fears, insecurities, and limitations of our past. We must stop programming ourselves for a life of mediocrity by focusing on what we're doing wrong, being too hard on ourselves when we make mistakes, and causing ourselves to feel guilty, inadequate, and undeserving of the success we really want."


"The first ten days of implementing any new habit, or ridding yourself of any old habit, can feel almost unbearable. . . Here's where you have an advantage over the other 95%. See, when you are prepared for these first ten days, when you know that it is the price you pay for success, that the first ten days will be challenging but they're also temporary, you can beat the odds and succeed!. . . and the reward is, oh — just the ability to create everything you want for your life."


"I've found that how our sleep affects our biology is largely affected by our own personal belief about how much sleep we need."


”Research has shown that we become like the average of the five people we spend the most time with. Who you spend your time with may be the single most determining factor in the person you become and in your quality of life.” [who you hang out with online counts, too]


”If you don’t make time for exercise, you’ll probably have to make time for illness.” (Robin Sharma)


“There is more value in re-reading a book you already know has strategies that can improve your life than there is in reading a new book before you’ve mastered the strategies in the first.”

& just one more

“Remember, the moment you accept total responsibility for everything in your life is the moment you claim the power to change anything in your life."

Hi, mojo, welcome back.