The Time Toni Morrison Changed my Life

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I was 25 and pregnant. My oldest was 2. And we were living in Sydney, Australia for a couple of years while my husband went to music school.

Every Thursday morning, I went to a women’s gathering, and one morning the speaker shared something from an old interview Toni Morrison did with Oprah that changed my life.

How did it change my life? Watch it here, and I’ll explain.

After hearing Toni Morrison’s words, I was profoundly changed.

Suddenly I had choices about the way I interacted with every other person on the planet I never knew I had before.

Suddenly I had the power to choose to convey love in a very simple way.

Every single morning when my kids wake up, I have a choice – Do I immediately start telling them what to do and where to go?

Or do I let my face light up, give them a big squeeze and say, “Good morning, sunshine – where’s my morning cuddle?”

Every single time my husband walks in the door, I have a choice – Do I immediately search his face and wonder what kind of mood he’s in?

Or do I let my face light up, give him a big fat kiss and say, “Hey – You look good. I missed you today.”

Every single time I see my niece, nephews, friends’ kids, or any little people who know me, I have a choice – Do I immediately start talking to the tall people around them?

Or do I let my face light up, bend my knees, and say, “Hey! How are you doing today?”

Everysingle time my kids come back from a day, a night, or even an hour away, I have a choice – Do I immediately start looking at their clothes and hair and telling them what they need to fix?

Or do I let my face light up, go in for a big hug, and say, “Hey – I’m glad your home. Did you have fun?”

It really is a choice that we have. And this choice changed my life.

So, thank you, Toni Morrison (and Oprah too).

Now I’m much older than 25, and my kids are barreling towards their teenage years, but I think about that moment when Toni Morrison changed my life all the time.

I don't always get this right. In fact, just by writing this post, I'm realizing how often I fail. But after all these years, I am still trying my hand at it - all because of that one little video.

I’m so thankful I went to that women’s gathering that particular morning.

So thankful I listened.

So thankful that I was so deeply impacted, and so thankful that my family has never been the same because of it.

It really is amazing how many families can be changed by one person sharing a profound truth on a video clip that lasts just 64 seconds.

Who are some of the people who have changed your life for the better?

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