What if I'm Divorced?

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Moms ask me this question all the time:

"What if my family looks different from yours? What if I'm divorced and still want great family togetherness?"

And my answer is always the same: Of course your family looks different from mine, and I don't know a single perfect family (my own certainly included). We can all go after great family togetherness.

Divorce is a tricky topic, though, and I don't know anyone who really likes to talk about it very much. Myself included. Most of the time, there's so much pain surrounding it, and sometimes a little fear, too.

But I couldn't carry on talking about family togetherness without acknowledging that not every family looks the same. Some have been through more pain - or different kinds of pain - than others. And yet, here we all are going after more adventure, bigger dreams, and deeper relationships with our people.

Recently I met a mama who went through a painful divorce and who is a fountain of hope for other mamas going through it. And when she asked me to read an early copy of her soon-to-be-published book and the beauty of it blew me away, I knew I had to share her story with you.

So, I interviewed her for the Togetherness Redefined podcast.

I hope you'll listen to the podcast this morning - right after I share with you what I've learned from my new friend about families who are navigating family togetherness after divorce.

#1 - Divorce isn't a death sentence to family togetherness.

I can't imagine the pain, but Kelly's hope on the other end of it is contagious.

#2 - Hope and joy are still available. (and so is big family adventure)

There are heaps of ways to do family adventure and big road trips.

#3 - There's power in what we pay attention to.

It changes our lives, for better or for worse.

#4 - Divorce doesn't disqualify you from anything - unless you give it permission to do so.

If this is you - if you're the mama going through divorce right now, trying to find your way, and you haven't come through it just yet -

Keep going, mama.

You will come through this.

You will rise.

We need the hope you have to give. And we're here for you. Everyone needs help and encouragement and love from other mamas sometimes. Reach out and let us know how we can help - and then, we'll be watching for your beautiful rising story - like Kelly’s.

What about you?

Do you have a word of hope or encouragement to give a mama going through divorce right now?

Hop into the email group and share.