How Does Full-time Family Travel Work? An Interview with my Family

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An interview with my family – the crew who inspires Togetherness Redefined

Welcome to the Togetherness Redefined Podcast! In this first episode, I’m giving an introduction to what this podcast hopes to achieve, what the Togetherness Redefined platform offers families as a whole, and I’m interviewing my own family about our full-time travel adventure – something that has been one of the biggest ways we build connection with each other.

Listen to the podcast.

Here are a few things we talk about in this episode. We’d love to hear your comments and questions on this one, so leave us a comment below!

Our family’s story in Best Self Magazine – Togetherness Redefined: A Family’s Story of Life on the Road

How do we do school while traveling? (It’s a little different every year)

How did we find work-camping jobs back in the day?

Some of our favorite spots mentioned in this podcast –

Our favorite National Park in the USA – Acadia National Park

Our worst travel experience so far – The Big Challenge in Texas

How do we fund our family travels right now? – Working full-time remotely

Interested in seeing more of our travels? Visit our travel blog –

To see how we’re answering your questions and sharing our adventures these days, visit