If you're feeling heavy-hearted or unmotivated

I don’t know about you, but my heart feels especially heavy this week for what’s going on for families in Ukraine.

I won’t begin to speak to all we should or could be doing in response, but I do know that heaviness is something we tend to hold onto. It’s something that can affect us long after we realize it’s affecting us, especially when we see kids and families being harmed. It's something that can impact the way we show up for our families — or don't, numbing out because it all feels too hopeless, too hard, too scary.

I'm not saying it's bad to feel the heaviness. Certainly, it's warranted. I'm only saying we need to take care because all this heaviness can leave us feeling listless, helpless, and unmotivated if we're not careful.

If that’s you,

Here are a few togetherness tips that might help just a little bit. ⤵

How to admit you’re still learning

Journaling prompts for when things get sticky

What to do when it all feels too heavy (a podcast w/ Kara Anderson)

How to stop bottling up your feelings

If you're looking for tangible ways to help and resources to give you words for what’s going on specifically for the people of Ukraine, I’ve found the charity Save the Children to be endorsed and vetted by companies and organizations I trust. They recently put out this article about how to talk to kids about war: "How to talk to children about war: Five tips from a psychologist and child counsellor" and they have loads of information about Ukrainian families in need on their website. I hope it helps.

Right here for you & all you're carrying — always.