The Power of Play for Family Togetherness

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"Forget about the rest - we're #gameschooling today."

I say it about once a week, and in the past, I've felt at least a little guilty about it more often than not. (The hashtag helps me feel less guilty, so I write it in my school planner - I'm sure my kids will laugh about that one day.) But you know what? I don't feel the least bit guilty anymore.


Because games count as learning in so many ways.

They're also magic for building family togetherness.

Whether we're playing something challenging like Tokaido, Yahtzee, Catan, Dominion, Monopoly, Bananagrams, chess, or Trekking the National Parks, or whether it's something silly like Exploding Kittens, Goat Lords, Spot It, or Bears vs. Babies, my family learns so much and grows closer together every single time we haul out the game boards. 

Here's how.

How I know games count as learning:

How I know games build family togetherness in big ways:

  • Smiles and heart-swells happen when the games come out in our home.

  • Time with friends and extended family gets sweeter when there's a game involved. (Cornhole or putt-putt, anyone?)

  • Eye contact increases exponentially during board games.

  • We talk and laugh together so much when we're playing.

  • Games work wonders with teenagers too. (They actually get more fun as kids get older, and they give us something fun to talk about together.)

Want to know where to find games your kids will love?

Check out these compilation posts from Cait Curley:

You can find more links in the show notes from our #gameschooling podcast together.

What are your favorite games to play with your crew? 

Hop into the email group and let me know - We're always looking for good additions to our game stash.