Quick Wins for Family Togetherness

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I got an email from a mama the other day thanking me for making family togetherness easy. She said our togetherness tips have shown her that togetherness doesn't have to be a big production or an all-or-nothing kind of thing; it can happen in an instant with a small idea.

I smiled a huge smile, because she's exactly right.

Togetherness can happen in a moment because moments build momentum.

Why do we tend to think the opposite though? What is it about being a wife and mama that so often leaves us feeling inadequate? Why do we wake up in the middle of the night worrying that we aren't doing this mama thing right?

We're good at worrying, aren't we?

We worry that our kids aren't getting everything they need, and then we worry that we're spoiling them too much.

We worry that we're pushing them too hard, and then we worry that we're holding them back.

We worry that if we can't afford all organic food, we aren't capable of raising healthy kids; if we can't constantly buy brand-new books, we aren't raising smart kids; and if we can't give our kids all of our attention all the time, we've totally blown it.

We worry that if we can't prioritize family togetherness in a big way, then it might not happen for us.

Here's the good news:

None of that is true.

Family togetherness doesn't have to be hard or even take a lot of planning. There are countless ways we can show our people that we love them and that we're here to build a relationship with them. I call them quick wins.

Here's how I like to get quick wins in my family:

  • Smile.

  • Ask her a question.

  • Ruffle his hair.

  • Look her right in the eyes.

  • Toss a ball with him.

  • Snuggle up beside her on the couch.

  • Surprise him with cookies.

  • Invite her on a quick grocery run.

  • Cut up a watermelon and eat slice after slice together.

  • Use an alarm to remind you to surprise her with a hug.

  • Ask him to take a quick walk with you.

  • Sit down beside her with a cup of tea and just be.

  • Try any of our other togetherness tips in a low-key way

It's amazing what can happen in our families when we clear our minds for even a minute or two and reach out to show that we're present.

{These might be especially handy if you have a tween insisting on his independence or are living with someone who doesn't tend to do long, emotional conversations - not that I would know or anything😘.}

Whatever is going on in your family right now, I hope these quick wins encourage you to keep going after your big family dreams, and I'm so glad you're here going after them with me.

What did I miss?

Are there other small ways you like to build a quick connection with your hubby and kids?

Hop into our email group and let me know.