Revisiting the Book That Wrecked Me

It’s been a few years ago now since I read a book that truly wrecked me. I remember it so well. Every page made me rethink my life in ways I hadn’t done in years. It caused me to take a hard look at how I structure my days and consider if how I’m spending my time really matters. It almost sent me down a rabbit hole of self-doubt. But in the end, it became one of many books teaching me valuable lessons about avoiding comparison and embracing gratitude and intentional living.

Something about trying a new slower pace last week brought this book to mind. However, since most of my book collection is currently packed in boxes and sitting in a storage unit in South Carolina (more about that later), I couldn’t pull out my hardback copy and thumb through the pages looking for underlines and dog-ears the way I normally would.

Instead, I searched my audio library, found it in my previously purchased titles, started listening, and quickly found myself hooked for the third time (or is it the fourth now?).

This is the book ⤵


It’s part of a whole medley of books I’m reading right now while my life is in a bit of upheaval — books I’m finding go together nicely, like something a book sommelier might offer as a recommended pairing (if there was such a thing as book sommeliers at your local bookshop).

Just like most women navigating stress in life right now, I get bored with the books I’m reading far too easily. Netflix seems like an easier choice for my free time. Except, if a book is truly good, instead of abandoning it, I put it on rotation with other books, magazines, and articles, and it holds my attention. I read a little bit of a different book each day, or maybe two.

It’s called book cycling ~ a method I learned from another homeschool mom years ago, and I’ve been using it ever since. Eventually, I get through all of the books. It takes a little while, but it’s a lot of fun.

Here’s what’s in my rotation right now

How to Read a Book by Monica Wood (a new novel I’m loving)

Between the Mountain and the Sky by Maggie Doyne

In Praise of Slowness by Carl Honore

The Truths We Hold by Kamala Harris

➳ the brand-new fall issue of Oh Reader Magazine

Simple Abundance (always my coffee companion)

Here’s what’s queued up next

A Map of Future Ruins by Lauren Markham

Happy Place by Emily Henry (yes, again)

Next week is a big one in my neck of the woods. I’ll be moving a kid to college, moving the rest of my family out of our little cabin in Maine (more about that next week), and setting off on a big, new adventure, the details of which haven’t yet been determined. So this weekend, I’ll be hiking, reading, and trying to keep the wheels on this brain of mine.

If things are feeling busy, hectic, or maybe even a little overwhelming in your world right now too, maybe one of the books in this email will help it all feel a little lighter.

Or maybe it’s just helpful to know you’re not alone. Either way, I’m here. And happy to chat over email anytime you need a listening ear.


Until next Friday ~ happy reading!


P.S. If you’d love to visit Acadia this fall, the Well + Wander Retreat is happening on October 25-28, and we have 2 rooms left! If you’re interested, you can book a spot here, check out the FAQs, or send me your questions. I’d love to see you there!