What Can Happen If We Stay Home a Little Mor

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Staying home a little more... or a lot more

How do those words make you feel this Friday morning? If I'm honest, I have to tell you that staying home is not often my first choice - I'd much rather go camping, hiking, road-tripping, or visiting a national park or a big city. But on the long list of ways to bring our families closer together, it can't be overlooked.

Staying home more, whether for a day, a weekend, or as a stay-at-home mom, has been a huge togetherness win for my family, and I've heard from so many others who say the same. But for those of us who are recovering people-pleasers and busybodies, this can be extra hard - especially as we draw near to the holiday season.

Earlier this week, I published an article called Why Staying at Home Isn't a Waste & How to Make it Happen about the unexpected longing I found for being a stay-at-home mom and the rocky journey I had getting there. It was a difficult thing to share because I know how controversial it can be.

But it's something I think so many parents struggle with - this desire to be with our kids more and the pressure from society to think that's not enough. 

Somewhere along the way, we learned that going to church every Sunday, showing up for everything we're invited to, and packing our family's every free moment was the way to a happy, successful, good-citizen type of life. But for many of us, it only takes a few years of trying to make that happen to realize it just isn't sustainable, and it's not good for building a close family either (especially if you have an introvert or two in your home like I do).

So I had to learn early on that sometimes we just have to say "No thank you" and stay home with our people to read a book, play a game, stargaze, have a frozen pizza night, homeschool, or just be bored together.

And the reward we get is tremendous - inside jokes to share, memories to recall, and a lasting impression on our kids about just how much they matter.

I have to admit, though, I learned this the hard way and I'm still learning it every time I wake up with an antsy feeling and think I can make everything better with a big adventure of some kind. Thankfully, I have a few people in my house to remind me, and yes, I'll admit that having a home that can roam makes this little togetherness tip a whole lot easier for folks like me, but don't let that stop you from making it work for you too. 

What about you? 

Do you immediately feel like staying home more would be impossible for you? Nice but just not right now? Good for other people but not your busy family? Maybe you're right - some seasons are definitely busier than others. But if you've been in a busy season for way too long, hopefully you can find a day or two along the way to give it a try (especially if things start going off the rails at any moment this holiday season - you can thank me later).

How do you feel about staying at home more?

Hop into the email and tell me your story - I'd love to hear from all of you homebodies and get-out-of-this-house folks too!