A Word on Unbecoming

There’s a big change happening right now in my little corner of the world. A really big change. It’s a long story currently under construction, about which I plan to tell you both the short and the long versions in the coming months. But for now, let me just say I’m in the messy middle. The very messy middle.

It’s a good change, but that doesn’t mean it’s not challenging. It’s a forward leap for my little family, but that doesn’t mean it feels comfy, cozy, warm, or fuzzy every day. Everything changes, the good and the bad, the happy and the sad. I know this. I know how to hold things lightly. I’ve embraced big change so many times it’s second nature to me. And yet, there’s still the inner and outer work of big change that has to happen.

So lately, I’ve been on the lookout for books, quotes, song lyrics, and words of all kinds to keep my head and heart on track, and all sorts of inspiration has been turning up. This week I found the words below particularly moving.

“Maybe the journey isn’t about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about unbecoming everything that isn’t really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.”

~ Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

“After all, it is those who have a deep and real inner life who are best able to deal with the irritating details of outer life.”

~ Evelyn Underhill, in Sara Ban Breathnach’s Simple Abundance

“Here’s the thing — you are unstoppable. Nothing can stop you unless you give it permission to. Not debt or fear or guilty feelings or worry or the actions of others. Not your weight or the way you see yourself, not even your current self-criticism. Nothing has the power to stop you unless you let it. Nothing can keep you from the big change you’ve imagined, so go get it.”

~ me, Big Dreams, Big Change, Big Growth

Over and over again in the past few weeks, I’ve been lucky enough to have close friends tell me how much they love my adventurous spirit. They said they’re deeply inspired by the crazy things my family and I have done and keep doing to live the life of our dreams. They said I’ve inspired them to think outside of every box they’ve imagined for themselves and truly, deeply believe they can do anything they want with their lives.

In each one of these conversations, I’ve had to hold back tears of gratitude. I’m deeply grateful for these friends and their words. Deeply grateful for my little family and every single adventure we’ve taken. Deeply grateful that big travels and big life choices are things we seem to be going for every few years, even when we least expect it. (a little hint about my current big change ;)

Each time, my heart’s been left overflowing with this response ~ None of us feels particularly unstoppable all the time. You might feel exhausted from all the unbecoming and becoming you’ve been doing lately. Your inner life requires fighting for daily, and it’s hard work.

That’s why I’m sharing this here today. That’s why I know I’ll keep sharing. Because of you, dear reader. Because wherever you are this morning and whatever is happening in your world, I believe you need to know your dreams are possible. They’re worth going after. They’re important ~ not just for your own benefit but for everyone who knows and loves you.

Even when it feels too hard.

Even when the middle is super messy.

Even when the days ahead feel unknowable.

Even when the uncertainty of the future feels too heavy.

Even when you can’t be sure anyone else will come along for the ride. Even then, your dreams are still worth fighting for. And I feel extremely grateful to be here encouraging you to go after every single one today (and every Friday).


This weekend, I’m hitting the road to do a little paddleboarding, a lot of sunbathing, and as much “unbecoming” everything that isn’t really me so I can be who I was meant to be all along. I’m 42 and still figuring things out and that’s okay. I hope you know it’s okay for you to still be figuring things out, too.

Until next Friday,


CourageCeleste Orr