What Comes Next

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Listen here!

Right now, so many of us are wondering what comes next for our families, for our kids going back to school, for the world we live in, and for so many people we love.

While we all figure it out, I don't think there's ever been a better time to lean into our families and make some major gains in the family togetherness department. So, that's what we're talking about this week on the podcast (and I might just spill a few more beans about what's next for Togetherness Redefined too).

It's the last episode of Season 2, so I hope you love it, and I'll catch you in the email group every Friday!

Togetherness tips featured:

Listen to the podcast Listen here!

What about you?

What's helping you figure out what's next for your family right now?

Hop into our email group and let me know!