What to Do When It All Feels Too Heavy

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In this week's podcast, I'm interviewing Kara Anderson about ways moms can cope, step up, heal, and thrive when it all feels too heavy AND we're chatting about her new book More Than Enough.

Listen to the podcast here.

So many of us have been trying to get our feet under us . . .

because we're thrown into things we weren't planning,

because nothing is normal right now,

because there's so much pain in the world,

because so many people are hurting, suffering, angry, or broken,

because we realize that no amount of working harder or digging deeper is going to make everything okay for everyone,

because sometimes it seems like we're dealing with it all at the same time...

  • Pandemic limitations

  • Missing friends and family

  • Too many unknowns

  • School worries

  • Summer boredom

  • Traveling (or not)

  • Constant low-level stress

  • Mental health issues

  • Hormones, seasons, and all the pressure

The good news is that we can get our feet under us. We can still see hope around the corner, and we can still move forward. I hope you love hearing this conversation with Kara and the hope she brings.

Togetherness tips featured:

More from Kara:

Other stuff we talked about:

Listen to the podcast here

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Check out these posts for more info:

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