Islands of Consistency and Security

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Did you know you're creating islands of consistency and security for your kids?

In this week's podcast, I'm talking about a phrase I ran across in Kim John Payne's book Simplicity Parenting where he talks about the rhythms and flow we create in our homes being "islands of consistency and security" for our kids.

While I'm normally one of those mamas who responds to anything about consistency and predictability with a "NO WAY - THAT'S BORING!", I love the message of Simplicity Parenting so much that I knew I had to give it a shot, and I'm so glad I did.

What I learned was that when we take the time to create rhythm and flow in our family schedules with things like "we always listen to audiobooks with our breakfast", "we normally go hiking on Mondays" or "we normally eat tacos on Tuesday", we get a few HUGE benefits like:

  • Saving loads of time

  • Freeing up heaps of brain space

  • Having a schedule we can throw out the window when we want to (you can't throw it out if you don't have one!)

So I looked back in the Togetherness Tip archive and found quite a few togetherness tips that talk about some of the rhythms and flows that have been huge togetherness wins for my family.

I can't wait to share them with you - let's dig in.

Togetherness tips featured:

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