Hi, I’m Celeste.
Can I tell you why I believe working for good, reading good books & going after big dreams matters?
I was a little girl with gigantic dreams.
I wanted to be a doctor, a writer, a world traveler, someone who made a big difference and loved life in a big way.
I bet you can relate.
Those big dreams wouldn’t leave me alone.
I grew up, went off to college, got married, started my career, and became a mother.
Still, I kept hearing a voice say. . .
So I started traveling. A lot.
I moved my career online, moved my family into an Airstream, and traveled full-time for 7 years exploring national parks and visiting 49 states in the USA & roadschooling our kiddos & roadtripping all over the place.
We loved it.
We felt like kids again, finally pursuing our biggest dreams.
All of a sudden, I found myself in need of a lot of healing.
My old faith wounds grew into chasms.
I lost my mom to cancer and learned how short life truly is.
My husband had a big health scare and I started feeling the effects of years of ignoring my own anxiety and mental health needs.
My career stalled.
We tried to live on a catamaran and failed.
Homeschooling & Worldschooling wasn’t as easy & fun with older kids.
I felt like I was losing myself.
So I made some big changes.
I went back to school for my master’s degree in nonprofit leadership.
I fell in love with time spent alone & my daily yoga practice.
I moved my career into self-employment advisory services (& loved it).
I dove into nutrition & vegetarianism.
I expanded my faith and started respecting others in new ways.
I learned about my own unconscious biases and how those were holding me back from so much.
I grew.
I kept growing.
I moved my family out of our Airstream and into a little cabin in the forest in the place where we all felt the most alive—right beside our favorite national park.
I fell into personal growth & found a community of women who thrive.
I did a lot of research with stories from people living their big dreams.
I chatted with big dreamers every Friday morning over email.
I kept learning.
I dug into the philanthropy community through my consulting work and now work with fantastic humans making a difference all over the globe.
I started writing & publishing my own books for big dreamers.
When I felt powerless, I dug into the research & resources deeper.
Now, I want to be here for you.
I think the world needs every single one of us living our biggest dreams or else we miss out on so much.
So. . .
I host a Friday morning book club over email.
I work as a philanthropy software advisor.
I write books about how to pursue your biggest dreams.
To help women thrive at home, at work, & where it matters most — inside.
This is the year.
This is your year.
This is the only year we know we’ve got.
Want to come along?